5 ways to bring out creativity in kids

5 ways to bring out creativity in kids

We all want our children to be happy and choose a profession that they like when they grow up

It is very necessary that in order for them to do things that they like, we need to unleash their creativity and give them freedom to express themselves

Here are few ways we can help achieve that

1. Give them their space
Give them a dedicated space in the house, it should not be a fancy room a corner of the house with a table where they can do their own stuff like playing games, reading, etc

This will lead them to do things on their own without bothering the adults in the house, which in turn will help them to think on their own and work with the things they like

2. Give them some "Me" time
During the day kids have to do things as per the time schedule which we adults set for them, example breakfast time, time for school, time for games, time for playing with their friends etc

Try to take out a slot of half an hour or an hour and tell the kids that this is your time do what you want to, their will be no instructions coming from adults on how to spend the time or what to do

This is your me time do whatever you like

This way it will help them to think and do things that they like

3. Help your kids to work on their imagine
Take your kids outside and do things with them, small things like taking them to park, library, outdoors and make it an engaging experience for them where they use all of their senses.

4. Discuss problem solving
while doing simple tasks with your childred, help them to come up with some solution ex. while folding washed cloths give few cloths to your kid and ask them to fold them in the best way they think.
Or ask them to pack their bags for school based on their class schedule, Allowing them to do things on their own will make them independant and they will start thinking on how to best solve or do the task

5. encourage them to ask questions
When kids ask questions at time how ridiculous they are try and answer them for them asking questions is a good sign in kids, it shows that they are thinking about something in their minds and are trying to figure this amazing world that we live in.

All the best everyone

Do reach out to us at info[at]eclecticmindz.com for any questions or queries

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